In the final brief handed down to over seven billion of us in the world, we completely missed the memo that 2020 was to be an unscripted year, bedeviled by the unprecedented and with no handrails. COVID 19 was already with us at the start of the year but we had confined it to the patchy streets of Wuhan, believing that we could beat it to death in that corner of the world. Good Grief! Were we massively wrong!
The tales of how the virus evolved from an unknown phenomenon to becoming the daily realities of many around the world are already well chronicled. A rehash here will be relieving the trauma twice. These times have forced us to rethink our humanity and remind us that we are more connected than we like to think. The lines that divide us are incredibly numerous but the thread that holds us together is our common humanity. That thread perhaps deserves far more premium attention than it is currently getting. One will hope that the crisis forces us to recognize the need to always appreciate that thread and nurture if for what it is worth.
It is fascinating how almost every other thing pale in comparison when health and life are the considerations. The last few months have exposed the wretchedness of our vanity, and while no one is under an illusion that wealth probably helps you go through a crisis easier, it doesn’t make you immune, and it is no defense in the face of an arrogant virus that is no respecter of persons. Closely linked to the realization of WHAT is truly important is the reawakening of WHO is truly important. For many people, they spend their life chasing the validation and affirmation of people in the virtual space or those removed from their circle. There is the perennial need to perform for strangers. Reflecting on these times, I hope we have some clarity on who is truly important, who never was and who will always be. Most times there is love waiting for us in the chambers of our home but some of us go searching for it with those who will never count.
The first half of the year have entirely shredded all the financial analysis and permutations by the economic eggheads. Stocks have plummeted, Shares have taken a nosedive, several industries are still wondering on what had hit them. The financial script for the year has clearly been altered. The world economy will recover but boy, is anyone even daring to put some timelines now after the folly of our collective predictions earlier in the year. It behooves then on each one of us to make do with what we are left with. Wisdom is not to make financial decisions in the state of panic, but to be aware enough to cut your losses and leverage new and not so obvious opportunities.
It is also pertinent to reconnect to your individual coping mechanism at times like this. It could be music, literature, work out, whatever. The goal is to stay connected to those activities that energies you. The news is frankly mostly dirges of woes these days and the smart thing is to protect your sanity by reconnecting to your energy boosters.
And when all is said and done, I hope we all come to the subtle realization that this crisis in all its dimensions have also come to teach us the power of gratitude. To recognize the things, we like to ignore. To see the things that elude us. To be thankful for the things we like to forget. And to be grateful each day for the things we have that life’s riches cannot obtain. I hope we remember all these and that we come out of this crisis as better individuals and a much better collective. May we not let this crisis go to waste.