Monday, December 28, 2020

20 Things I Learnt in 2020

1. Life's finest moments happen when we least expected

Many of the great experiences I experienced in 2020, I truly didn't see coming by January 1st, but I have always been a stickler for embracing uncertainties. It paid off.

2. One day at a time

What a year! What a bloody year! Perhaps, the biggest lesson for many of us is this one. Trust the chaos and take life one day at a time. This thing called life is far too fleeting to do otherwise.

3. Leave space for the possibility that you might be wrong

For the very reason that you don't have all the answers, leave room for this possibility. You might think you know, but you just might never know.

4. Hold on to that small light in the tunnel

We often wait for that light at the end of the tunnel that we fail to see the flicker, the ray, the breaking light. While you wait, hold on to that small light in the tunnel.

5. Always connect to your core

The story of 2020 pretty much writes itself. Amidst everything I learnt, the pricelessness of connecting to my core was sacrosanct. It could be anything but connecting to your core helps keep your sanity.

6. Never forget your why

One day you are the cock of the walk, the next you are a feather duster. But through it all, remember why you started; why you burnt your bridges and choose this path, why you packed up and travelled this way. Never forget this.

7. At the base of it, everyone is looking after themselves 

When all is said and done, everyone is primarily looking after themselves. This does not make people bad; it is just the way the world is wired. Wisdom is to always look after yourself too. This point cannot be over-emphasized.

8. Practice gratitude journaling 

More than ever before, I was deliberate this year about being grateful, showing gratitude and noting every act of kindness. Consciously keeping a journal of gratitude provides a remarkable perspective in your life. I will recommend you start today.

9. Family is what you say it is

They say blood is thicker than water. While that is largely true, family is ultimately those who have proven over time that they will be in your corner and always have your back. If you don’t get this from your blood ties, ‘make’ your own family.

10. Without God, nothing will ever be enough

It might not be fashionable to wear your spirituality on these days, but that only reinforces the importance. In the final analysis, your relationship with God is the most salient thing. Never lose sight of this.

11. It is fine to cry

Undoubtedly, in 2020, some days were more difficult than others. More than ever before, it is fine to cry when you must. Provide ventilation for your emotions but never wallow in that place. We all need to be vulnerable every now and then. Acknowledge what you feel, feel it…and find a reason to keep going.

12. Find your own support systems 

2020 was that kind of year that required us to be resilient. However, this is that kind of journey that required you to have allies and people who we can always lean on. You need people; never delude yourself that you can go through life on your own.

13. Own your story

It is possible to be singing a different song when others are moaning about the same situation. Empathize with others but don't be apologetic about your story. 

14. Stand for something

It was that kind of year. You either believed in COVID 19 or you did not. You either believed in the vacancies or you did not. You either supported the #EndSARS movement or you did not. Sometimes, seating on the wall is cowardice. You have to stick your head out and be ready to shift ground in the face of superior argument.

15. Be kind 

To quote a few lines from Tim McGraw’s classic song ‘Humble and Kind’ – “Don't take for granted the love this life gives you. When you get where you're going don't forget turn back around. Help the next one in line. Always stay humble and kind.”

16. You are enough 

In this business of life, you need a lot of self-love. Life will always want to remind you of your inadequacies. But, you are enough. I swear you are enough. Always seek to be better, but always be a tad cook-a-hoop about yourself.

17. Be shameless 

In a world of excessive self-preservation, this is important. Once you can kill shame, you unlock a new level of latent boldness and power in you. Act with integrity but don’t be too bothered of ‘shame.’

18. Financial prudence will always win

If there was one year that chiefly buttressed this point, it is 2020. Being savvy to invest, practicing the right savings modalities and being risk sensitive are all important. However, being financially prudence remains pivotal.

19. Almost everything is impermanence 

Literally everything. The wisdom is to never be excessively attached to anything that is fleeting. Enjoy the moment. Love God. Be good and live a full life in all instances.

20. It was still a great year!

While hindsight is 20/20, perspective is always everything! The narrative of how difficult the year has been is already well chronicled. However, when we do our individual introspections, remember that you have survived it all. That is quite something!


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